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Honey House Rules in the age of VOVID-19

  • 4 Apr 2020 8:23 PM
    Message # 8879474

    Maybe it's too early to bring this topic up, but I was wondering if anybody has given any thought to rules for use of the Honey House in the COVID-19 day and age.  I don't mean can we legally use the Honey House under some agriculture exemption.  Rather, my concern is how we can safely use it without concern for contracting a disease?

    Personally, I have too many comorbities to count, making me too vulnerable to plan for.  Perhaps, I need to consider alternatives for harvesting my honey and use the Honey House another season.  Maybe I can use it fully suited in PPE.

    Anyway, I thought it was a topic worth discussing.

    Moved from General Bee Topics: 8 Feb 2021 11:35 AM
  • 6 Apr 2020 9:02 PM
    Reply # 8882933 on 8879474

    Hi Ted, it's great that you are thinking way ahead! We have a board meeting this week and I'll add this great question to our agenda.  I personally sure have hopes that by July or so the incidence of the virus in our landscape will be much diminished, but who the heck knows.  Debby

  • 10 Apr 2020 9:14 PM
    Reply # 8892806 on 8879474

    Hi Ted, the TVBA board kicked the topic around at our April meeting. There are SO many unknowns on timelines and outcomes that we really don't have an answer at this point in time. We will check with state and national experts and continue to mull. One pragmatic suggestion was to think about packing up and freezing your honey supers until that point in time when it's safe to be out among others. 

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