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PNW Hive components

  • 31 Mar 2020 5:18 PM
    Message # 8871153


    I attended the bee school and will have bees for the first time this April. At bee school while going through what we should have for the bees there were a few pieces I was confused about. They seemed to be PNW specific.

    1) It was suggested that we use a screened bottom board. Tray in place in winter to keep hive warmer but removed in summer if not using tray for mite monitoring. Is that correct?

    2) A ventilation box. Looked like a honey super sized box with two screened sides. This is for air flow so it doesn't get too humid?? Do I use it year round? Where in the order does it go? Just under the telescoping top? And does it have a small cut out for bees to get out through the top? If so is there a time of year where you would NOT want that hole open?

    3) Also there was a little screen box laying over the inner cover hole. What is this for? Also burlap?

    Confused about the purpose, time of year to use and placement of these three things.

    Thank you!

    Moved from General Bee Topics: 8 Feb 2021 11:31 AM
  • 2 Apr 2020 9:07 PM
    Reply # 8876240 on 8871153

    I was also at Bee School. I recall the Mr. Standing used a screen on the top board upon which he placed a rolled piece of burlap. He said it helped mitigate excess humidity in the hive.

  • 2 Apr 2020 9:17 PM
    Reply # 8876257 on 8871153

    1). Yes, generally I think that is how it works. Minimize the flow of moist winter air with a tray. Maximize ventilation in summer?

    2). I noticed that as well. Mr. Standing can explain further as to how it works in our area. Other experts show that the bees plug the vents with propolis right away. It is OK to experiment, especially with help from club mentors.

    3) I think the burlap was to aid in moisture mitigation. Not sure how that works unless burlap changed regularly. A sopping wet hank of burlap inside the hive wouldn’t lower humidity, would it?

  • 3 Apr 2020 4:00 AM
    Reply # 8876657 on 8871153

     The box that Mike was using in his demonstration is also known as a Vivaldi board.  It is a multi-purpose piece of equipment that works quite well in our moist, Pacific Northwest climate.  The sides can be 4 to 6inches tall, with a 2 to 2.5 inch hole in the center and screened vent slots on the front and rear ends. It usually has a removable screened cover for the center opening. It can serve as an insulating box, a moisture control box, and a top feeder. 

    The edges of the hive top, when in place, will cover, but not block the front and rear vent slots, allowing a slow flow of air out of the top of the hive. Placing a burlap bag in it allows moisture to condense and evaporate outside, away from the frames, resulting in less excess condensation within the hive. The bees will control the size of the center opening (and hence, the airflow) by using  propolis.  It's advisable to have an extra burlap bag available for exchange, if the one in place becomes too wet.

    During cold weather, you can pour dry sugar through the screened cover to feed the bees.  During warmer weather, with the screened cover removed,  a feeder can be placed inside the Vivaldi board, over the center hole and filled with sugar syrup to feed the bees.

  • 3 Apr 2020 10:05 PM
    Reply # 8878365 on 8871153

    Thank you, Stephen. I can see how this board is helpful. I will make one this week. My bees found the feeder. I need to figure out how to post a photo. Cheers

  • 4 Apr 2020 7:26 AM
    Reply # 8878751 on 8871153
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Ken -- Pictures can be posted by simply clicking on the "Choose files" button below the editor and then selecting your photo.   Viola, it should post.

    1 file
  • 26 Apr 2020 4:36 PM
    Reply # 8929690 on 8871153


         Vino Farm has a couple of nice videos on the use of a Vivaldi board.  Here's a reference to the videos on YouTube

     Vivaldi Boards - Do They Work?

     Vivaldi Boards – How They Work

         Also, you can see lots of pictures of Vivaldi board if you do a google search for "Vivaldi board images."

    Last modified: 26 Apr 2020 10:03 PM | Anonymous member
  • 2 May 2020 5:54 PM
    Reply # 8942390 on 8871153

    Mark, I know files should post. I am just not able to do it, for whatever reason. I select a file (image), choose file size, and there is nothing to allow me to upload it. 4.2 mb photo.

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